Monday, 24 August 2015

ROOM10 FERNS!!!!!!!

Today, we have been moving our ferns to a more sheltered area.

We placed them in the Gully. They are from the Botanical Gardens. 
We were very lucky to have a trip there. It was a nice day to be spending outside.

We put tape around that said: DANGER!!!!!! KEEP OUT!!!! OUT OF BOUNDS!!!!.

It is near the bottom of the Gully. If you see it, PLEASE keep out. 

Cause you know what it says: DANGER!!!!! KEEP OUT!!!! OUT OF BOUNDS!!!!!.

Thank you all for reading our class post.

By: Ellen and Jessica


  1. OK!!!!!!!!!!!! I will stay out of there. I would want to see them!!!!!!!! I wonder where EXACTLY it is in the Gully. I will NEVER EVER go in there Jessica(My sister) and Ellen. But could you tell me WHERE in the bottom of the Gully it is? Thanks!!!!!

  2. i will never will go in there
    and if i go in there what will happen?
