Our Special places
Moss Stone Creek
My local treasure is Moss Stone Creek. Moss Stone Creek is a beautiful river with moss everywhere
and at the end of the creek is a big waterfall with big sharp rocks pointing off the wall.
Moss Stone creak is special to me because it makes me feel lucky and I use it as a good luck charm. I
use it as a good luck charm by recognising how long it must have taken the place to grow and create
itself (It must have a growth mind set!). It’s amazing what nature can do.
What I do there is watch the birds and look down at the river. I also carve simple symbols into the
I go there usually by myself, but the first time I went there I went with my friends, Jeremy and Emma
and my sister, Samantha.
by Nathaniel
Karori Cemetary
As I walked along the sturdy path I heard the Kaka’s screeching as they drifted off into the pine
tree’s leaves. I heard a river flowing down and over the mossy rocks that fell into the depth of the
shiny water. I felt a breeze of wind speeding over my shoulder and through my hair. I saw the light
yellow sun roaming over the land. Rabbits were leaping over the warm grass. I saw the Black birds
scratching the bark off a Pine tree. The sky was blue and the clouds swept off into the distance.
I smelt the leaves sour taste; I smelt the sweet baby Pine cones rolling down the concrete path.
I watch the birds flying over the trees and perching on the thin branches. I climbed up a rocky wall
and lye on the soft grass. I hear the Tuis singing lovely soft music filling the air with joy. I swing on
branches and jump over high rocks. I write poems about the birds and draw art full of nature.
The Karori Cemetery is my special place!
By Sofia
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