Monday, 24 November 2014


On Thursday the 20th of November Room 10 went geocaching in the Botanic Gardens.   Geocaching is where you have a map and some clues which help you find containers with treasures in it. When you find it you can take a treasure out and put a treasure in.

We all lined up on the top court then Miss Stubbing and Miss Cossey started leading the way. When we got to the bottom of the Botanic Gardens (near the tulips) Miss Cossey showed us where we were on the map and where we had to go to get to the geocache.

There was a clue on the map which was: in a peaceful area near kowhai trees. The other clue was: "Under the Rhode". Then Miss Stubbing took us across the road to look for it.We were all looking for a long time but then finally Jade spotted the geocache in a log and under a rock. We all gathered in a circle and Jade showed us what was inside it. There was a: rubber duck , hurricane magnet , silver string and a octopus sticker. Ruby put in her hair tie and got the rubber duck out. It was so much fun.

By Charlotte

Here are some photos :

Thursday, 13 November 2014

cyber bullyng

Cyber bullying is bullying on the computer. As an example: someone draws over an image
 of you. This is what you can do; tell someone you trust, like your mum or dad or anyone else in your family, but you have to make a good choice. So if it happen to you, you now know what to do!

by guy

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Scariness in the freezer

School Centenary

This year our school had our centenary. A centenary is celebrating a hundred years. In 1914 our school started up. our school is writing a centenary book it is about what our school did now and then. When the centenary day was really near we all dressed up like in the olden days and did work like the kids did in the olden days.

By Ruby

This is me doing hopscotch. A game kids did back then.

Growth Mindset Posters

Friday, 7 November 2014

Conservation Week

Our Special places

Moss Stone Creek

My local treasure is Moss Stone Creek. Moss Stone Creek is a beautiful river with moss everywhere 

and at the end of the creek is a big waterfall with big sharp rocks pointing off the wall.

Moss Stone creak is special to me because it makes me feel lucky and I use it as a good luck charm. I 

use it as a good luck charm by recognising how long it must have taken the place to grow and create 

itself (It must have a growth mind set!). It’s amazing what nature can do.

What I do there is watch the birds and look down at the river. I also carve simple symbols into the 


I go there usually by myself, but the first time I went there I went with my friends, Jeremy and Emma 

and my sister, Samantha.

by Nathaniel

Karori Cemetary

As I walked along the sturdy path I heard the Kaka’s screeching as they drifted off into the pine

tree’s leaves. I heard a river flowing down and over the mossy rocks that fell into the depth of the 

shiny water. I felt a breeze of wind speeding over my shoulder and through my hair. I saw the light 

yellow sun roaming over the land. Rabbits were leaping over the warm grass. I saw the Black birds 

scratching the bark off a Pine tree. The sky was blue and the clouds swept off into the distance.

I smelt the leaves sour taste; I smelt the sweet baby Pine cones rolling down the concrete path. 

I watch the birds flying over the trees and perching on the thin branches. I climbed up a rocky wall 

and lye on the soft grass. I hear the Tuis singing lovely soft music filling the air with joy. I swing on 

branches and jump over high rocks. I write poems about the birds and draw art full of nature. 

The Karori Cemetery is my special place!

By Sofia

Class poem

Today we had a look at how to use the Storybird website to publish our stories and poems.  We wrote this poem together choosing one word at a time per person.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Athletics day reflections

Reflection from Sofia:

Today in room 10 we did Athletics. We did High jump, Long jump, Sprints, Baton relays, Vortex, and Quoits. The year threes went first then year fours.
The wind thrashing through your face.  Legs loose to get ready for the race.

Watching the pole for High jump going higher and higher each time you get it correct. Shouting and cheering for your house in the relays!
Once we finished all of it we were allowed to have a play my friends and I climbed the big ruff tree. Then we got called in to do the relays my house came first in the first race! After that we went on the bus we were very loud you could hear us from outside the bus! Then we chilled out in the classroom we had a great day!

Katies reflection:

On the 4th November 2014 (today) we went to Ben Burn park to do athletics. Athletics is a event that year 3-8 go to to practice skills. the skills are long jump, high jump, quoits, sprints and vortex. I was best at sprints!

As I finished quoits I quickly walked over to sprints at the other side of the field.  I sat on the soft grass then Mrs Hunt called up the girls. I had butterflies tickling my tummy. Then I was put in a group and got sent to Miss Stubbing. First she said to go toilet or get a drink. I ran over onto the concrete then into the toilet. pe-u, it stinks in there then straight away it was my turn. Then Miss Stubbing set "take your marks get set" then she slammed two big blocks together.My heart was bouncing as I raced across the squared grass I jumped up and landed over the line. yay I came 3rd.

Now it's semi finals, good luck me!
Wow I wonder what I have come. huh we all tied, I guess I am doing it again that time we all were all so close but then Alexa went in my lane so I couldn't go in front :(. and I hoped everyone else did really well!