Room 10 was asked to reflect on how the 20 book challenge had changed their reading:
At the start of the term I only read Jacqueline Wilson books. Then one day I realised that I had read them all! so I decided to try another book and I did and I really enjoyed it so I read another book from that series. Now only sometimes do I read Jacqueline Wilson!
What I used to do was read chapter books that were 3, 4 or 5 chapters long. What I do now is read chapter books that are over 10 chapters.
I used to read half a book and leave it. Now I keep reading 1 book at a time.
I used to go outside and watch lots of TV but now I am reading a lot more books because of the 20 Book Challenge.
I used to read short books when I was a year 2. Now I read big chapter books.
When I first heard about the 20 book challenge I was like "I am not doing this". Then I thought for a bit and said to myself "ok, I'll give it a go!" Then after a few books I got used to it. The 20 book challenge has increased my reading a lot.
I used to not read that often. The 20 book challenge has inspired me to read more often.
I used to get a book out and read a little bit and then shut the book. Now I keep on reading constantly.
I have really enjoyed doing the 20 book challenge because at the start of the term all I read was Jacqueline Wilson. Then I realised that I should try and read something different. My friend recommended a book to me that I really enjoyed. I basically never read Jacqueline Wilson now.
Before the 20 book challenge I thought reading was a waste of time and it was quite boring. But when I did the challenge I started to read more.
I used to read really short books but now that I have started doing the 20 book challenge it's letting me read bigger books. I thought normally I read fantasy but I am wrong, I read realistic fiction. I like getting loads of new recommendations. I like getting them from people that I have not got one from before.
From the start of Term 3 I didn't used to read much, and then I tried to read Year 5 books and while I kept on reading I even kept on learning about new words and that made me read more and more different books.
The 20 book challenge has encouraged me to read longer and more complex books with better plots. Reading more books has built up my vocabulary to write longer stories with better descriptions and wow words. It has also made me better at punctuation and wording.
Wow! What amazing readers you all are. You have made me want to open my new novel. Thanks for your inspiring words.