Friday, 25 July 2014

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori

This week is te reo Māori week . In room 10 we will be learning some māori every day, like heihei (chicken) and āpopo (tomorrow) and more.  We learnt a song called "Ko pāpā heihei" about the rooster, mother chicken and baby chick.

We have decided to learn more than one word a day because we really like learning māori.  We also believe that people should be learning more te reo because it is a dying language and we want to save it.  We had a class discussion and the whole class set some goals e.g. using greetings every day.

Are you celebrating te reo this week?

By Tom and Guy

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

20 Book Challenge

In Room 10 we are doing the 20 Book Challenge.  We have 2 terms to try and read 20 different books.  They have to be different genres such as fantasy, comedy, non-fiction and historical.  In our readers notebooks we have a chart to show how many books we have read.  When we finish a book we colour in a triangle.  We had a discussion about challenging ourselves to read books that are different and sometimes a bit harder than what we are used to.  The funny thing we found out is that most of our class still keep reading a book even if it's boring! We have hopeful readers in our class!

After we finish reading a book we are going to share our ideas about the book to our classmates.  We will have learning conversations with each other, book "sells" and book swaps. Part of our sharing is going to be bringing books from  home to share with others.

We are going to use our teacher Miss Stubbing as a book idea person. Miss Stubbing reads a lot of books.  She likes to read children's books and young adult fiction as well as adult novels (and picture books!). We are going to use her to help us choose books.